2020 ARTFEM 国际女艺术家澳门双年展
2020 ARTFEM Women Artists
International Biennial of Macau
在疫情稳定的情况下,“2020 ARTFEM第二届国际女艺术家澳门双年展”将于10月在本澳四个艺术场地举行。来自世界各地的106位艺术家已确认参与,他们将以各式各样的艺术表达方式响应“Natura”(自然)这一主题。ARTFEM 2020由北京艺术家向京和澳门艺术家袁之钦倡导,并由马若龙、郭恬熙、李圳香、朱焯信和Leonor Veiga担任策展人。
Carlos Marreiros
President of the Organizing Committee
Angela Li Zhenxiang
Alice Kok
James Chu
Leonor Veiga
ARTFEM 2020计划于今年十月举行,该展以“Natura”为主题,汇集来自全球106位艺术家的作品。“Natura”这一概念与环境保护有关,开放让艺术家作出各种诠释。为期两个月的ARTFEM 2020将于婆仔屋文创空间、市政牧场旧址(牛房)、里斯本画廊和东方基金会会址展出。马若龙、郭恬熙、李圳香、朱焯信和Leonor Veiga是该展览的策展人。继上届邀得艺术家保拉.雷戈(Paula Rego)担任活动的Godmother后,ARTFEM 2020的Godmother由北京艺术家向京和澳门艺术家袁之钦担任。
Photography by Eduardo Martins
参展的艺术家和创作者包括、Ana Pérez-Quiroga、李少庄、Arahmaiani、Aurielle Jioya、 Clara Maciulis、安娜.努涅斯、陈慧雯、李绮琪、Francesca Zoboli、Kirsten Berg、蒋国远、Maria Madeira、Nadine Norman、郭倩齐、Laura Federici、Dawn Alane-Kelmenson、拉奎尔.格拉里路、Clarissa Baumann、Anabela Canas、谈瑞婷、黄慧璇、Vibha Galhotra、Lisette Schumacher、Elena Hoskyns-Abrahall、Krupa Makhija、李敏智及张可。
Photography by Eduardo Martins
除马若龙外,该双年展的策展人还包括郭恬熙、李圳香、朱焯信和Leonor Veiga。保拉.雷戈担任了首届双年展的Godmother,她的女儿Victoria Willing来澳作为代表出席支持展览。这位在伦敦生活了数十年的葡萄牙画家一直是ARTFEM 2020的荣誉Godmother。“今年,我们希望增加Godmother的数目,因此我们邀请了来自北京的向京担任Godmother。向京是一位拥有着出色国际事业的高质素艺术家。她是一位雕塑家,她以个体或更大的规模,以单人或多人为单位,制作过各种大小的超现实裸体女性雕塑。她深入研究了脉搏、毛孔的绘画方式,客观地呈现中国乃至全球的女性问题。”筹备委员会主席描述道。
Xiang Jing
Un Chi Iam
Scheduled to start in September, ARTFEM 2020 – 2nd Macau International Biennial – Women Artists, will bring together the work of 106 creators from the entire world, under the theme “Natura”, a concept linked to environmental protection which “allows a broad spectrum of plastic interpretations”. The large collective exhibition, which will extend over two months, will be presented this year at Albergue SCM, at the Old Municipal Stable, at Galeria Lisboa and at Casa Garden Gallery. Carlos Marreiros, Alice Kok, Angela Li Zhenxiang, James Chu and Leonor Veiga take on the curatorship of an event that is sponsored by artists Xiang Jing, from Beijing, and Un Chi Iam, from Macau, who succeed Paula Rego, now honorary godmother.
“We always want to open on March 8, International Women’s Day. We didn’t succeed in doing so this year, yet we don’t want to postpone the exhibition to the next year. So, since it doesn’t take place on this symbolic date – because we aim the date to enter people’s mind map -, we’ll do it this year. We are a little more optimistic about September. The pandemic has not yet opened us to the world or the world to us. So, for now, it is scheduled to be in September”, adds Carlos Marreiros to the PONTO FINAL.
Carlos Marreiros, chairman of the ARTFEM organizing committee, adds that, after the first edition which took place in March 2018 which was concentrated at the Macao Museum of Art (MAM), the biennial now goes outdoors, appearing in four spaces spread throughout the city: Albergue SCM, Former Municipal Cattle Stable, Galeria Lisboa and Casa Garden. “This year, the idea is to walk the city courses. As there will be – if they can come – participation of very young artists, we aimed to create residences and synergies. As such, we decided to spread the event in several places, unlike the first edition, where everything was concentrated in MAM”.
Confirmed is the participation of more than a hundred artists, mainly from latitudes that touch the Portuguese-speaking world, Europe and Asia. “There are 106 artists from all over the world. There is some preponderance for artists from China and Portugal, but the world is represented. Some artists come from Portuguese-speaking countries, and, among the renowned names, we are bringing young artists from Portugal, China, Italy, Holland, etc.”, points out the architect and artist.
The extensive list of artists and creators includes names like Kit Lee, Ana Pérez-Quiroga, Bianca Lei, Arahmaiani, Aurielle Jioya, Clara Maciulis, Ana Jacinto Nunes, Crystal Chan WM, Gigi Lee, Francesca Zoboli, Kirsten Berg, Jiang Guoyuan, Maria Madeira, Nadine Norman, Carol Sin-chai Kwok, Laura Federici, Dawn Alane-Kelmenson, Raquel Gralheiro, Clarissa Baumann, Anabela Canas, Bella Tam, Gloria Wong, Vibha Galhotra, Lisette Schumacher, Elena Hoskyns-Abrahall, Phi Phi Oanh, Krupa Makhija, MJ Lee or Kay Zhang.
Carlos Marreiros says that it is not yet time to fulfill the ambition previously expressed, to extend the biennial to cities in the Greater Bay. “No, it’s impossible for the moment. We must foster ground, regionally and in the world, gain experience, and then also open the event to the Greater Bay, of course. But the pandemic does not allow for any of these intentions to manifest. And at this very moment, even though we already have the facilities guaranteed, artists’ presence will be complicated”.
If the first edition did not present a thematic aggregating element, this year’s edition proposed the artists to respond to a theme through their visual and plastic conception: “Natura”. “We were very brave, in a second edition of the biennial to start with a theme. The first edition went very well, it had no theme, it was generic. In this second edition, the artists worked on the theme ‘Natura’. ‘Natura’ allows a wide range of plastic interpretations, such as aspects of environmental protection, which is an issue on the world agenda”.
A concept of a Latin matrix reached in a dialogue between curators, ‘Natura’ arose at a time when environmental issues were at the center of the debate. “When we discussed the organization of this biennial, in 2019, it made perfect sense, especially due to issues including the Amazon fires, global warming, and other concerns that, worldwide, marked last year, and generally, the last years. Because of Covid-19, these issues have been slightly overlooked this year. ‘Natura’ is a current topic; it affects all of us, in the present and in the future, because the life of the planet is at stake. In addition to these issues, it also allows for more symbolic aspects and plastic research on the symbolism of Mother Earth through ethnic and folkloric manifestations from the entire world, from Europe to the United States, throughout Asia. These aspects allow the theme to be developed visually”, points out the architect.
In addition to Marreiros, the curatorship of the biennial also includes Alice Kok, Angela Li Zhenxiang, James Chu, and Leonor Veiga. In the inaugural edition, Paula Rego served as godmother the event. She was represented in Macao by her daughter Victoria Willing. The Portuguese painter, who has lived in London for decades, remains associated as an honorary godmother, for ARTFEM 2020. “This year we wanted to expand to more godmothers, so we invited Xiang Jing, who is from Beijing, to act as Godmother. A high-quality artist, Xiang Jing has a brilliant international career. She is a sculptor, she makes sculptures of naked, bald women, of varying dimensions, on a human scale or larger, alone or grouped in theme. These are extremely hyper-real sculptures; she goes into the detail of painting the veins, the pores, and objectively debates the issues of women, in China and in the world”, describes the chairman of the organizing committee.
But Xiang Jing is not alone. “We have for the first time a godmother from Macao, the painter Un Chi Iam, Mio Pang Fei’s wife. We want Paula Rego to be an honorary godmother since she was the first, and she liked the event”.
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原文 Text by Sílvia Gonçalves
摄影 Photography by Eduardo Martins
原文于2020年7月8日在句号报Ponto Final上刊登
2018年3月9日澳门 “第一届国际女艺术家澳门双年展”于国际妇女节当天在澳门艺术博物馆开幕,来自22个国家和地区的132位女艺术家的142件作品,记录和呈现了上世纪70年代至今这些女艺术家的创作轨迹与成果,展示不同民族或教育背景下女艺术家们多元美学的成就,尤其是在21世纪艺术道路上的足迹,展品包括绘画、丝网版画、素描、雕塑、装置及录像等。5月13日落幕,为期两个多月的双年展吸引了超过1.4万人次参观。
1 "Artist Un Chi Iam袁之欽" "Macau Famous Female Artist澳門著名女性藝術家"
2 Ms. Victoria Willing"Dame Paula Rego, Godmother of the ARTFEM, represented by her Daughter ARTFEM倡導者保拉.雷戈爵士由女兒代表"
3 "Dra. Angela, Leong On Kei 梁安琪 ""Member of Legislative Assembly 澳門特別行政區政府立法會議員"
4 Dra. Maria João Bonifácio"Consul General of Portugal in Macau and Hong Kong Dr. Vítor Sereno, represented by Vice Consul General of Portugal in Macau and Hong Kong 葡萄牙駐澳門及香港總領事館總領事代表,葡萄牙駐澳門及香港總領事館 副領事"
5 "Dra. Deland, Leong Wai Man梁惠敏"
"President of the Cultural Affairs Bureau of Macau SAR Dra. Mok Ian Ian, represented by Acting President of the Cultural Affairs Bureau of Macau SAR 澳門特別行政區政府文化局穆欣欣局長代表,澳門特別行政區政府文化局代局長"
6 "Dra. Xu Ting徐婷"
"Director of the Department of Culture and Education of the Liaison Office of the Central People's Government in the Macau SAR 中央人民政府駐澳門特別行政區聯絡辦公室教育與青年工作部 部長 "
7 "Dra. Wang Tingting 王亭婷"
"Commissioner of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the People's Republic of China in the Macau SAR Dr. Ye Dabo, represented by Deputy Director of the Office of the Commissioner of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the People's Republic of China in the Macau SAR 中華人民共和國外交部駐澳門特別行政區特派員公署特派員葉大波特派員代表,外交部公署辦公室 副主任"
8 "Dra. Stella Leong 梁詠嫻" "Secretary for Social Affairs and Culture of Macau SAR Dr. Alexis Tam Chon Weng, represented by Advisor of Secretariat for Social Affairs and Culture of Macau SAR 澳門特別行政區政府社會文化司司長譚俊榮博士代表,社會文化司司長辦公室 顧問"
9 Dra. Sofia Pegado da Silva"Consul General of Consulate General of the Republic of Angola 澳門安哥拉共和國領事館 總領事"
10 "Dra. Zhong Yi Seabra de Mascarenhas 鍾怡 ""Presidente do Conselho de Administração da Fundação Macau, substituta 澳門基金會行政委員會代主席"
11"Dra. Isabel Marreiros 馬韶漪""President of Albergue SCM Arch. Carlos Marreiros, represented by the Director of the Creche of Holy House of Mercy 婆仔屋文創空間主席馬若龍建築師代表,仁慈堂托兒所 校長"