艺术档案 > 美术馆 > 移动美术馆︱方敏儿女士出任总监


2018-10-24 17:39:15 来源: MovingArtM 作者:移动美术馆

▲ 方敏儿女士




方敏儿在过去十多年曾策展许多项目,部分展览包括:「首届深圳艺术双年展」,罗湖美术馆,深圳(2018);「博特罗在中国:费尔南多·博特罗作品展」,国家博物馆,北京(2015-2016)/中华艺术宫,上海(2016);「Second Nature: K11 chi 新空间开幕展」,k11 chi 空间,香港(2017);「接近美好生活-中国当代年轻艺术家群展」,亚洲当代艺术周/凯尚,纽约(2017);「M花园-张丹当代艺术展」(2018),宝龙美术馆,上海;「3尺6寸5分半-沈丕基当代艺术展」(2018),本色空间,深圳;「CAFAM双年展中国艺术家驻留项目-香港」(2015),Emergency Lab,香港;「下一个十年的当代艺术」,今日美术馆,北京(2011);「首届三亚艺术季,三亚 (2012-2013)

方敏儿毕业於香港理工大学摄影系,後於悉尼大学研修博物馆学,并留学英国Sussex 大学修读中国美术史硕士。现为K11国际艺术驻留项目顾问委员、美国博物馆与网络协会(亚洲)委员、奥沙艺术基金顾问、香港青年学生艺术家奖委员。

Janet Fong
Janet Fong is an independent curator,the co-founder of Interntaional Art Exchange and Residency (IAER) in New York. Janet currently lives and works in Beijing/ HK. She has worked in the art field and with a number of organisations for over 20 years including CAFA Art Museum, Osage (Art Foundation and Gallery), University Museum and Art Gallery (HKU), 1a Space and HK Maritime Museum.

Janet has curated numerous exhibitions including “First Shenzhen Biennale 2018, Luohu Art Museum, Shenzhen (2018); “Botero in China " The Art of Fernando Botero, National Museum of China, Beijing and China Art Museum, Shanghai (2015- 2016); “M Garden- Exhibition of Zhang Dan”, Powerlong Museum, Shanghai (2018); “3ft 6ins 5m and a half- Exhibition of Shen Piji”, Bense Artspace, Shenzhen (2018), and CAFAM Future Biennial " Artist Residency Project Chinese artists to HK, Emergency Lab, Hong Kong (2015); Closer to the Beautiful World, Asia Contemporary Art week- Klein Sun, New York (2017); First Art Sanya, Sanya, 2012-2013; Next Ten Years of Contemporary Art in China, Today Art Museum, Beijing (2011).

Janet holds a Master Degree in History of Art from The University of Sussex as well as a Postgraduate Degree in Museum Studies from The University of Sydney, She also graduated from Hong Kong Polytechnic University in Photography.
Janet is the committee of the K11 International Artist Residency program, an advisor at the Osage Art Foundation, and a committee of Young Artist Award (HK) , a committee of SAYA Young Artists Award, and Project committee of Museum and the Web (Asia), US.

Moving Art Museum

Moving Art Museum is a new type of laboratory,platform and brand which integrates exhibitions, creation, public education, art projects etc. Creation, execution and exhibition of non-ordinary space and non-ordinary forms, are our regular projects. It is our common project to execute and link up cooperative artists, projects, curators, art organizations including art fairs, Biennale and festivals in unconventional forms, virtual spaces and cross-border crossing, as our main way of actions.Moving Art Museum hopes to explore a new art and culture model and independent brand, for contributing to the new era of the world art ecology, create a unique new strength and value. We hope that capable people with lofty ideals, can cooperate with the Moving Art gallery and develop together. The mobile art museum will become a globally featured and representative art projects and a new integrated platform.

▲ 移动美术馆的防暴车


The Moving Art Museum is founded by artist Chen Junhui(Yi Zhen) 、Zhang Minxin(withdraw afterwards).Its concept is originated from any objects,people or events which are related to the concept of "moving"can happen here without any boundaries.From wild animals in nature,to the physical action of the human body, to psychological activity, to ethical or social events,and so on.This is because everything is inseparable from change, inseparable from movement, and inseparable from transformation.