艺术档案 > 新闻档案 > 陶身体剧场获得威尼斯双年展银狮奖


2023-03-05 19:27:33.549 来源: 陶身体剧场 作者:威尼斯双年展












The TAO Dance Theater, founded in 2008 in Beijing and quickly contended by the major festivals and theatres, have been awarded the Silver Lion.


The Lions were approved by the Board of Directors of La Biennale di Venezia at the recommendation of Wayne McGregor, director of the Dance department, and will be conferred during the 17th International Festival of Contemporary Dance which will take place in Venice from July 13th to 29th 2023.


The Silver Lion


Traveling across 40 countries on 5 continents, the members of the TAO Dance Theater led by Tao Ye and Duan Ni have presented their works in institutions and festivals such as the Lincoln Center Art Festival in New York, the Edinburgh International Art Festival, the Sydney Opera House, the Théâtre de la Ville in Paris, the American Dance Festival, fascinating dance audiences and 500 million TikTokers with their dance degree-zero.

陶身体剧场在陶冶、段妮的带领下,作品演出足迹遍及5大洲40个国家,曾受邀在纽约林肯中心艺术节、爱丁堡国际艺术节、悉尼歌剧院、巴黎城市剧院、美国舞蹈节等艺术节和剧院演出。舞团的作品也在抖音上惊艳了5 亿零舞蹈基础的抖音用户。

“Forsaking narrative, message and elaborate stage design in their work – states Wayne McGregor in his motivation –Tao Ye and Duan Ni have built a unique and evolutionary dance genre that has enraptured with a mesmeric, minimalist force. Their company TAO Dance Theater, founded in 2008 has committed to a stripped-back, “pure dance” aesthetic, eliminating any categorisation of movement, and by extension, of themselves. The body is presented as an element to be perceived for its optical allure – devoid of representation, narrative, or context, simply existing as an object alone. This is only ever amplified by the use of light and sound design, allowing the viewers to be confronted and often challenged by the rigorous body focused techniques, vocabulary and forms.


It is this confidence in the power of movement alone (and developed through their innovative Circular Movement System), with all its latent potential and expressivity, its nuance, elegance, idiosyncrasy, limitation and restriction that demands us to watch and watch again – to learn the hidden syntax and to really ‘see’ as if experiencing bodies and indeed dancing for the very first time - in all its spectacular wonder, elegance and direct visceral, kinaesthetic communication.


TAO Dance Theatre is an exceptional company of vision, mission, and purpose. Like the great dance makers of the past, they understand the very nature of body as a ‘microcosm of the universe’ and have found their special territory to explore and expand. Their deep dive here, in this unfamiliar territory is ingenious, significant, and edifying as we are simultaneously embraced and provoked by their brilliance”.


TAO Dance Theater will be at Biennale Danza on July 28th and 29th with three new works in their European premiere performance at the Teatro Malibran, three choreographic works that continue the sequence of the Numerical Series that launched them on the international scene, titled 11, 13, 14.

 陶身体剧场将于 7 月 28 日和 29 日在舞蹈双年展上演三部新作品——《11》《13》《14》。作为享誉世界舞台的“数位系列”的延续,这三部作品将在马利布兰剧院 (Teatro Malibran) 进行意大利首演。








