The First Hujiao International Live Art Forum · Tianjin· Eden Box
Forum Topic: Post-PandemicInternational Live Art
Since the year 2000, live art festivals is a new form for art thathas been on the rise in many cities around the world, changing the means ofcommunication for art. Live art has the following natures, the discovery andparticipation of live art in the space, the focus on time and space in artwork, the innovative transformation of concept and language in art, and thecontinuous experimentation with forms of communication. This has led to the growthof performance art, action painting, improvisational music, dance and theater,audio art, installation art, new media art, and others that focus on the above-mentionednatures. The cross-cultural, cross-media meetings and communication betweeninternational artists has become a new normal. But in 2020 the novel coronavirus has wreaked havoc on our planet and become an obstacle for meetings andcommunication of live artists in all countries. In these special times, how canlive art develop? How can art curators respond? How can communication betweeninternational artists be conducted? What kind of change will take place in thefuture ecosystem of art? … These are topics that live artists need to face anddiscuss together in the post-pandemic times.
伊甸园生态教育国际生活示范区Eden Box
狐椒文旅 Hujiao Culture&Tourism
和丽斌行为工作坊 HeLibin Performance Art Workshop
论坛策划 Forum planning
和丽斌 He Libin
王超Wang Chao
论坛主持Forum Host
和丽斌He Libin
特邀批评家Guest Critics
张海涛Zhang Haitao(北京 Beijing)
徐乔斯Xu Qiaosi(深圳 Shenzhen)
特邀艺术家Guest Artists
相西石 Xiang Xishi (西安 Xi’an)
萨子Sa Zi(北京 Beijing)
LDS(上海 Shanghai)
Bill Aitchison(英国 UK)
Vera Regina van de Nieuwenhof(荷兰 Netherlands)
Jonatan Lundin (瑞典 Sweden)
雷燕Lei Yan(昆明 Kunming)
刘傲Liu Ao(昆明 Kunming)
王一笑Wang Yixiao(昆明 Kunming)
施议童 Shi Yitong(昆明 Kunming
蒋艺美 Jiang Yimei
欧阳鹤立Ouyang Heli
Live broadcast host
双重曝光 Double exposure
地点place:天津·伊甸园生态教育国际生活示范区TianJin.Eden Box
论坛主持 Forum bost
▲ 和丽斌 He Libin
纳西族,1973年生于云南姚安,1996年毕业于西南大学美术学院,2003年结业于南京艺术学院研究生课程班,1996年至今任教于云南艺术学院美术学院。云南油画学会副秘书长,云南油画艺委会理事,《艺术当代》撰稿人,空空间创办人。长期进行绘画、行为、诗歌、艺术评论、艺术策展等多样性的艺术实践,先后在中国昆明、上海、北京、南京、深圳、西安、广州、成都、重庆、贵阳、天津、长沙、海口、大理、丽江、南昌、澳门、香港、挪威奥斯陆、荷兰阿姆斯特丹、韩国大邱、瑞典乌普萨拉、意大利威尼斯、泰国曼谷、日本东京、菲律宾马尼拉、新加坡、斯洛伐克特伦钦、捷克布拉格、波兰克拉科夫、缅甸仰光等城市参展100多次,策划和主持艺术展览60多次,致力于在全球化语境下现场艺术的跨文化实践与策划,策划的主要展览有:“江湖——实验艺术展”(2005-2007年)、“五三青年艺术节”(2014-2017年)、“在云上——国际现场艺术节”(2009-今)等,出版专著《日瑟浩奕——2003-2014 云南当代艺术评论与访谈》(15万字)。个人作品主要实践观念艺术与东方诗学的结合,曾获2013年第四届新星星艺术节年度实验奖,2015年澳门行为艺术文献展评选嘉许艺术家,2019年新星星10周年青年艺术家奖。个人作品为中国、美国、挪威、瑞典、荷兰、日本等国家的艺术机构和私人收藏。
He Libin, Naxi nationality, was born in Yunnan in 1973,graduated with a BA from the School of Fine Arts, Southwest University in 1996,completed the postgraduate course of Nanjing University of the Arts in 2003,and has taught in the School of Fine Arts of Yunnan Arts University since1996. He serves as the DeputySecretary-General of Yunnan Oil Painting Society, Director of Yunnan OilPainting Art Committee, contributor to the Contemporary Art, and Kongart space founder. He has been engaged in various artistic practices such aspainting, performance art, poetry, art criticism, art exhibitions, etc. He hasparticipated in more than 100 exhibitions in cities like Kunming, Shanghai,Beijing, Nanjing, Shenzhen, Xi'an, Guangzhou, Chengdu, Chongqing, Guiyang,Tianjin, Changsha, Haikou, Dali, Lijiang, Nanchang, Macao, Hong Kong in China,Oslo in Norway, Amsterdam in the Netherlands, Daegu in South Korea, Uppsala inSweden, Venice in Italy, Bangkok in Thailand, Tokyo in Japan, Manila inPhilippines, Trencin in Slovakia, Prague in Czech, Krakow in Poland, Rangoon inMyanmar etc. He has planned and presided over more than 60 art exhibitions,devoting himself to the cross-cultural practices and planning of live arts inthe context of globalization. Among the major exhibitions planned are"Jianghu - Experimental Art Exhibition" (2005-2007), "May ThirdYouth Art Festival" (2014-2017), "Above the Cloud - InternationalLive Art Festival" (2009- present), etc. He has published a monographs"The Long Deep Breath - Yunnan Contemporary Art Review and Interview(2003-2014)". His personal works, which primarily focus on combiningconceptual art and Oriental poetics, have won the Annual Experimental Award ofthe Fourth New Star Art Festival in 2013, and made him awarded as the OutstandingArtist at the Macau Documentaries of Performance Art in 2015. His personalworks have been collected by art institutions and individual collectors fromChina, the United States, Norway, Sweden, Japan, the Netherlands and othercountries.
特邀批评家 Guest critic
▲ 张海涛 Zhang Haitao
Zhang Haitao, Curator, Art Critic, Chief Editorof Arts Archives Website, Graduate Supervisor of Tianjin Academy of Fine Arts,Visiting Professoof Beijing Institute of Fashion. Studied in Hubei Universityof Technology, and Xi’an Academy of Fine Arts Currently living and working inBeijing. 1999- current: Have been dedicating in the research of ContemporaryArt, and curated hundreds of academic exhibitions and forums in China andOverseas.2009-2017: xecutive President of Songzhuang Art Museum, Vice Presidentof Yuan Art Museum, Vice President of Jia Pingwa Cultural Museum of Art,Curator of Li Space, Art Director of NO! SPACE Current.Film Reviewer of BeijingIndependent Film Festival Judge of the 1st Circle Art Youth AwardAcademicCommittee and Judge of Lishui Photography Festival2012: Published personal work“Future Art Archives”2007: Founded Arts Archives Website.Used to give lessons,direct in workshops, and participate in forums and seminars in schools likeCentral Academy of Fine Arts, Tianjin Academy of Fine Arts, Xi’an Academy ofFine Arts, Hubei Academy of Fine Arts, Sichuan Academy of Fine Arts, BeijingInstitute of Fashion Technology, China Academy of Art and etc.
▲ 徐乔斯 Xu Qiaosi
Xu graduatedfrom Guangzhou Arts Academy. She is a yoga teacher certified by KYM.
2009Coordinator in 10th Beijing “Open” International Performance ArtFestival.
2010 Projectsupervisor in “Guangzhou · On Scene” International Performance Art Festival.
2011 Curatorin Shenzhen Dawang Art Highland Performance Art Festival.
2013-2016Guest writer at “Gallery” magazine, “Fine Art Document” magazine, “Absolut Art”magazine.
2011-2018Co-founder of “Bu Space” in Shenzhen.
Xu lives andworks in Shenzhen. She dedicated herself to Chinese contemporary artobservation and critique.
艺术家 Artist
▲ 比尔·艾奇森(英国)Bill Aitchison (UK)
BillAitchison is an inter-disciplinary artist based in China and curator of “LastMinute” Live Art. He has presented his performances, sound works, photographyand videos in galleries, theatres and festivals in Europe, Asia, America,Australia and The Middle East and his artwork is held in private collectionsand museums. He holds a practice-based PhD from Goldsmiths College, Universityof London and is a graduate of Ecole de Mime Corporel. He has publishedcritical, creative and journalistic texts in several countries, made a numberof works for radio, regularly mentors creative projects and teaches at XiamenUniversity.
▲ 相西石 Xiang Xishi
Artist, independent curator
In 2000, Xiangxishi organized "looking for - Nanshanmonkey" performance art activities, it is the beginning of the Xi'ancontemporary art of the historical literature of mining, sorting and research.
In 2001, he organized "DaLibai" performance artactivities, it is the start of Xi'an area performance art.
In 2002, he organized the third OPEN International Performance ArtFestival in Xi’an.
In 2004, he organized "DaDao" international live artfestival in Beijing.
In 2007, he organized "Guyu action" Chinese Art Cityjoint performances
art Exhibition.
In 2008, he organized Xi'an International Performance ArtFestival,
In 2011, he organized "Xi'an First Modern ArtExhibition" 30 anniversary exhibition,
In 2012, he organized "Performance Art Theater" seriesof works.
In 2013, he built an artplatform--"Xi'an Performance Art Theater”. He tries to explore new waysand possibilities of performance art development in reality,
In 2014, he organized "ZhuoXiang" Xi'an Contemporary ArtFestival.
It combined of poetry, music, theater, multimedia and other artforms, in order to promote all kinds of new style of art and traditional artstyle accommodation and common prosperity.
Now he is the "Guyu International Art Festival " chiefcurator.
Live and work in Xi'an, Beijing.
▲ 萨子 SAZ
1975年 生于新疆木垒天山脚下
艺术是魔鬼、神性、自由、理性、和生命的混合 ——萨子
2004年11月 《长征途中》 新疆
2009年05月 《夜咒》绘画个展 北京
2012年12月 《一棵树》文献展 北京
2015年05月 《日记·肖像》绘画个展 新加坡
2016年11月 《萨子精神》 北京
2017年9月 《拖行·中国梦》 北京
2002年02月 组织《2002重新启动》 新疆当代艺术大展
2003年11月 策划《叩门》 萨子,魏伟装置2人联展
2005年03月 策划《出血线》 新疆当代艺术实验报告
2007年11月 《宋庄制造》宋庄艺术节 北京
2011年03月 《敏感地带》行为大展 北京
2013年05月 《未曾呈现的声音》威尼斯双年展 意大利
2014年07月 中国行为艺术30年学术研讨会 神农架
2014年11月 中国行为艺术文献展 罗马
MAXXI National Museum ofXXI Century Arts
2016年06月 沈阳国际音乐行为艺术节
2016年11月 中国行为三十年文献展 北京
2016年12月 热雪艺术节 根河中国冷极 零下58℃
2017年04月 GAN AND GAN渼陂国际行为艺术展 江西
2017年06月 聚荟艺术 北京
2017年10月 第五届UP-ON向上国际现场艺术节 成都
2018年04月 ART BEIJING 艺术北京
2018年05月 旷野无眠——中国百年乡建与艺术 石家庄
2018年06月 陆上行舟——流域变迁与社会行走 北京798
2018年11月 i ART青年艺术计划 城市·人的纬度 重庆
2019年04月 ART BEIJING 艺术北京
2019年05月 在乎万有|艺术与环境主题巡回展 北京 合肥 昆明
2019年06月 《回答》当代艺术展 厦门
2019年09月 影像上海艺术博览会 上海
2019年11月 《废托邦》 i ART 青年艺术计划 重庆
2019年12月 《冬至》国际行为艺术节 沈阳葫芦岛
2014年07月 中国行为艺术30年学术研讨会,萨子行为《一棵树·归乡计划》
2016年12月 2016年度当代艺术人物(泉国际艺术) 死磕奖
2018年11月 i ART青年艺术计划 城市·人的纬度 二等奖
Bornat the foot of Tianshan Mountain, Mu Lei, Xin Jiang Province, in 1975.
Domain:Performance, Painting, Installation, Conceptual.
2011.03,“Sensitive Zone Performance Exhibition”, Beijing
2013.05,“Voice of the Unseen”, La Biennale di Venezia
2014.07,“Symposium of 30 Years of Performance Art in China”, Shennongjia, HubeiProvince
2016.11,“Literature Exhibition of 30 Years of Performance Art in China”, Beijing
2016.12,“SAZ Spirit Art Exhibition”, Beijing
2017.04,“Gan and Gan International Performance Art Festival”, Meibei, Jiangxi Province
2017.06,“Party Art”, Beijing
2017.10,“The 5th Up-On International Live Festival”, Chengdu, Sichuang Province
2018.04,“Art Beijing”, Beijing
2018.05,“Wakeful in Wild: Township and Art, the Last 100 Years in China”, ShiJiazhuang, Hebei Province
2018.06,“Boat on Land: Change of Water Basin and Social Walking”, Beijing
“ATree” won “The 30 Most-Concerned Works of 30 Years of Performance Art InChina”, at Symposium of 30 Years of Performance Art in China.
Wonthe “Sike” prize, at Quan International Exhibition.
2018i Art Youth Project “Second prize”
Sociality artist,the virgin, co-founder of SOWERART, co-sponsor of "Cement Park""Performance art once a Week", recently mainly engaged in thepractice of performance art and the organization and planning of Event.
▲刘傲 Liu Ao
青年舞蹈家,毕业于丹麦International Youth Leader Education、中国人民大学教育学硕士、云南艺术学院学士。昆明市青联委员。艺术课程《肢体游戏》研发者。曾主演舞剧《云南映象》、《香格里拉记忆》、《水舞源》、现代舞剧《戏床》、《Lost》等。独立现代舞剧作品《梦里花落》、研习《运动损伤学》、《人体解剖学》、《心疗》等课程。游历20多个国家并拜访北欧五国:冰岛、挪威、瑞典、芬兰、丹麦的最前沿教学体系与之深度学习及交流。参与国际NGO组织合作探讨及实践难民及人权方面的教育及相关问题。目前致力于发展儿童艺术启蒙课程。
Contemporary dancer/Performance artist/Choreographer
Graduated from International Youth Leader Education inDenmark
Master of education graduated from people 's universityof china and Yunnan art university
Studied and traveled in more than 20 countries
Works: “Drama bed”, “Lost”, “In a dream”, and “Hiddenemotions”
▲雷燕 Lei Yan
Lei Yan graduated from School of military culture, NationalDefense University of the people's Liberation Army of China.
She is member of Chinese Artists Association.
She works and lives in Kunming
In 1976, she joined the military art department, and her artworkwas exhibited in the national military exhibition.
From 2000 to present, she works with image, soft sculpture, papersculpture, installation and etc. that focuses on inner being, society, andenvironment. Her art work has been exhibited in Beijing, Shanghai, Kunming,USA, Sweden in solo and group exhibitions.
Vera Regina van de Nieuwenhof(荷兰 Netherlands)
2007-2015 就职于新学院The New Institute
2015-2016 就职于阿姆斯特丹大学应用科学系及文化网络学院
BA inArchitectural History - University of Amsterdam
Artcollege – Royal Academy of Art The Hague
2007-2017Worked in The New Institute
2015-2016Worked in Amsterdam University of Applied Science / Institute of NetworkCultures
2017-presentWork and live in Kunming and Dali
▲王一笑 Wang Yixiao
2014年与朋友成立南方酸性咪咪South Acid Mimi乐队
2015年乐队签约太合麦田唱片旗下厂牌赤瞳音乐Ruby Eyes Records
北京 优酷.土豆 理想音乐节
昆明 摩登天空影响城市之声怀来 MTA天漠音乐节 等演出
2018.11.3 大自在观|行为艺术周——跨界派对之《茧》
2019.5.18 玲珑塔.小城叙事开幕式行为表演——生长GROWTH之《触》
Wangwas born in 1990 in Kunming
Shestarted to study fine art in 1996
In2009, graphic design
In2014, she started “South Acid Mimi” band with friends
In2015, the band signed contract with a music label “Ruby Eyes Records”, which isa brand of Taihe Music in 2015, and started to tour in 14 cities in southernChina
Musicfestival participated:
ShanghaiEcho Park Music Festival
BeijingYouku+Tudou Dream Music Festival
KunmingModern Sky Lab Sound of City
HuailaiMTA Tianmo Music Festival
2018Wang started to do performance art
2018.11.3Join a Performance Art Week
2019.5.18Performance Art - Growth
▲施议童 Shi Yitong
Shiis a member of South Acid Mimi band, as well as guitarist in “Xi’er”, a rockband. She has her own children music project, and likes to create somepersonal, si-fi, and bizarre sounds. She has simple goal and her very own wayto create music.
Jonatan Lundin(瑞典 Sweden)
2011 - 2014
2011 - 2014
Studies at the Jazz Department of the RoyalMusic Academy of Music in Stockholm.
2015 - Current
Producing and recording records withnumerous artists and song writers.
2016 - Current
Several musical productions.
2017 - Current
Extensive touring with prominent Swedishartists.
International performances and tours includingSweden, England, Russia, China, Cyprus, etc.
The Double Exposure Group
2019年新加坡Coda Culture “珠江计划”新加坡站
2019年昆明“即兴派对”行为艺术 – Cheap酒吧
The Double Exposure Group has been founded in 2019
Main creative methods: performance art, installation, image,and easel painting
The group tries to explore the alienation of visualenvironment in an anti-daily form
Group exhibitions participated:
2019 "Pearl River Plan" in Singapore by Coda CultureSingapore
2019 "Improvised Party" Performance Art at Cheap Barin Kunming
2019 "Place and World" group exhibition in Mengzi
2019 "Symbiosis" Performance Art Theatre in Kunming