艺术档案 > 行为档案 > “广州·现场”


2010-12-07 17:37:43 来源: 作者:


受邀艺术家之一,比尔•庄蒙德(Bill Drummond, United Kingdom)是英国KLF(版权解放战线)音乐社的发起人,其作品于1987年间风靡国际乐坛,90年代连续五年名留金榜。1993年的一次行为中,他燃烧了一百万英镑(价值一千五百万人民币),于此成为了艺术界的传奇。另一位来自德国的传奇人物,波里斯•涅斯洛尼(Boris Nieslony, Germany),是八十年代初期国际行为艺术的奠基人之一,也是“黑市国际”(Black Market International)行为艺术组织的发起人。今年正值“黑市国际”成立25周年,波立斯选择在“广州•现场”呈现他独特的玄妙而富有诗意的行为艺术,这的确是一次难逢的历史机遇。此外本次活动还邀请到了现居德国的中国艺术家段英梅,90年代她参与创作的行为艺术作品——《为无名山增高一米》成为了中国当代艺术史的里程碑。如今段英梅也是国际当代艺术平台上受邀平率最高的艺术家之一。
作为主办方之一的广州53美术馆,是广州第一家非盈利民营美术馆,定位于当代艺术与先锋形式的探索和呈现。自今年5月开馆以来,举办的展览在观念上力图与国际前沿接轨。此次 “广州•现场”以“只挑选优秀的艺术家及独具特色的作品”作为本次活动最主要的原则,期待给予观众一次全新的艺术冲击与体验。同时还将在广州53美术馆、广州美术学院,展开一系列交流活动,邀请具有深厚学术背景的艺术家开展相关的讲座、工作坊以及交流会以加强我们与世界的沟通,促进各地艺术家之间的深层次交流。

Guangzhou Live, an international performance art festival jointly hosted by 53 Museum and the GLSA Committee, will open at 53 Museum Guangzhou on Dec.8th 2010. During the one-week festival, art forms combining notion and body will be presented on an unprecedented scale, and there will be non-renewable, poetic and imaginative performances.

The 35 artists invited come from 17 countries, covering the age groups ranging 40s to 80s, among whom are pioneers who had witnessed and experienced the development of western post-war art history, and also the new generation who stick to the exploration of performance art today.

One of the artists, Bill Drummond, is the founder of KLF in Britain. His works became an international craze in 1987, and remained the top list for consecutive 5 years during 90s. He burnt 1 million pounds (15 million RMB) in a performance in 1993, making him a legend in art world. Another legend from Germany, Boris Nieslony, is one of the founders of the early 80s’ international performance art, and the initiator of Black Market International. This year, the 25th anniversary of BMI, he decided to present his mysterious and poetic unique performance in Guangzhou Live, which is indeed a marvelous historical chance for audience. Chinese artist Yingmei Duan, now living in Germany, is among the invited, too. The performance she participated in——To Add One Meter to An Anonymous Mountain (90s), is a milestone in Chinese history of contemporary art. She is now one of mostly invited artists to international art stage.

The curator of Guangzhou Live, Jonas Stampe, has organized performance art festivals in France, Sweden and the United States. Since 2005, works by 200 artists from over 44 countries has been presented through the shows he organized. Jonas Stampe’s aim for Guangzhou Live is to erect Guangzhou as an significant role in the scene of international contemporary art.

Guangzhou 53 Museum, one of the hosts, is the first non-profit private museum in Guangzhou, aiming at exploring and presenting contemporary art and its pioneer forms. The shows hold here strived to adapt themselves to international frontier conceptually. This Guangzhou Live, with the principle of “choosing the most out-standing artists and unique art works”, is expected to impress the audience with a new artistic impact and experience. At the same time, there will a series of exchange activities organized with 53 Art Museum and Guangzhou Academy of Fine Arts, inviting artist with solid academic background to give lectures, set up workshops and meetings so as to strengthen our communication with the world and the profound exchange among the artists.

主    办/ Organisers: 53 美术馆 GLSA (53 Art Museum & GLSA )
协    办/ Partners: 画廊杂志 广州美术学院 (Gallery Magazine & Guangzhou Academy of Fine Arts)
策 展 人/ Curator: Jonas Stampe(乔纳斯•斯坦普)
展览总监/ Exhibition Director: 李琼波 (Qiongbo Li)
展览时间/ Time: 2010年12月08日~14日
开 幕 式/ Opening: 2010年12月08日 14:30
表演时间/ Performance: 2010年12月08日 15:20~19:20   
                       2010年12月09日~14日 14:30~18:00
展览地点/ ADD. : Guangzhou 53 Art Museum, No.21 Huiyuan Street, Huijing RoAddd, Guangyuan Express   
               Highway, Guangzhou(广州市广园快速路汇景路汇苑街21号广州53美术馆)



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