艺术档案 > 展览档案 > 策展档案 > 感受金钱:当代艺术展


2008-04-02 22:07:15 来源: 艺术前沿 作者:artda

展览Exhibition /  感受金钱:当代艺术展
策展人Curator / 唐昕、高岭
艺术家Artist / 刘鼎,李颂华,彭东会,渠岩,宋冬,王迈,王强,夏建国,杨卫,朱发东,郑国谷
城市City / 北京
开幕Opening / 2001年12月22日下午3点
时间Duration / 2001-12-22 至 2001-12-23 
地点Venue / 泰康顶层空间





    改革开放以来的经济建设,繁荣了社会,改变了生活。今天,我们的政治、经济、生活、文化无不在适应市场机制的规律中运行,市场话语系统成为新的影响力。人们最直观地认为是“钱”在起作用,钱是日常生活中每个人随时随地都会触及的,和人密切相关。有人说钱是万能的,有人说钱是罪恶的;钱是成功的标志,是财富的象征……当钱转化为资本时,带来经济的发展、消费的繁荣、生活水平的日益提高。在亲身经历改革带来的巨变,在感受时代脉搏、享受幸福生活之时,我们以“感受金钱--Money, Funny, Honey”为题目做这个展览展示艺术对现实的观察与思考。

    改革的20年中国逐步走向市场经济,全国人民都努力用“全新的理念与操作经验”武装自己向成功迈进。社会地位、个人成功、声望成为人们追求的目标和个人价值的体现。但在人们对他人的赞许与评价中,没有“治学严谨的学者”,没有“硕果累累的科学家”,没有“受人尊重的教授先生”,有的只是“成功人士”。它含概所有有钱有车出入豪宅的人们,无所谓知识结构、文化素质、出身、职业、致富途径的不同。这是由于历史原因,人们在文化素质上形成很大差异,彼此间缺乏文化上的认同感,没有共同的价值观、生活方式或行为准则,惟有以消费特征求得成功感、认同和价值感。于是消费能力和消费内容越来越成为评价依据。消费也因此具有了它的符号象征性。钱的实际功能便由交换工具变成了消费工具,钱的多少直接体现为消费能力的大小,直接影响到消费内容。于是挣钱成为人们一切行为的目的,工作为了挣钱,挣钱为了消费——“消费就是理想”。购物成了最快乐的事。麦当劳、名牌服装、手机、电脑、汽车...... 成为人们追求的生活方式的象征,从中人们找到了自己的位置、地位和同类人群,感到满足,有了社会归属感。消费验证了我们的存在,钱成就了我们。感受金钱——感受消费。不知不觉中消费主义文化在我们中产生、蔓延,中国社会进入“大众消费”时代。钱更重要了。人们享受着购物带来的物质使用价值满足以外的快感的同时,消费主义文化价值观在日常生活中占据了支配地位,消费主义也确立了在日常生活领域里的意识形态影响力。它创造并建构了 “大众消费”时代新型的社会关系和生活方式。

    人们享受着购物的快乐,与此同时更快乐的是生产者。他们赚到了更多的钱,感受着资本带给他们的幸福。在“大众消费”促进经济发展、提高人民生活水平的溢美之辞的掩映下,真正提高的是他们的资本利润率。为了保证他们的利益,满足他们的兴趣,他们不断制造新的需求,利用大众传媒通过广告的商业促销手段不断制造美好生活的虚幻景象,刺激消费欲望并为大众购买做好心理准备,制造社会动力。“正视我,潮流无法躲!” 在媒体的推动下人们卷入的是时尚、是品位,是一次次的兴奋和向往。“我们在卖概念”。商品带来的是他们促销的消费观念、生活方式与象征价值,是消费商品的符号象征意义创造的话语系统。随着市场的对外开放、外国资本的引进,越来越多的国际名牌进入我们眼帘。人们在消费的同时又一次下载了商品- 消费主义符号所负载的价值观和生活态度。愉快地、不知不觉地认同了别人的逻辑秩序,却忽视了这种逻辑秩序中根深蒂固的利益、种族、文化歧视与偏见,使文化侵略成为事实,为经济与政治和话语上的不平等提供了文化- 意识形态的合法性和支配权。



    霸权者们在消费的时代以消费什么、怎样消费构筑了全球化新的文化- 意识形态,使一些人在满足对物质的实际及占有需求时,也滋生了虚荣的欲望:要炫耀派头、财力,显示身份。洪浩的《MR.洪浩》就进入了这样的角色。朱发东则径直带着他的《保镖》来到了我们身边。

    展览“感受金钱——Money, Funny, Honey”希望呈现出有着不同时代背景、不同生活经验的艺术家对这问题的各自看法,这里遴选了从85时期至今的几代艺术家的作品。对于经济的发展及其给我们社会生活带来的影响,多年来艺术家们对此有着一惯的关注而作品在语言形式、表达方式、媒材选择的变化则直接折射出它的光影,因为经济发展、科技进步为艺术家的创作提供了更多的材料和技术手段。这将在高岭的文章中有所说明。

    展览中,渠岩是85时期的艺术家,在他的作品《感受时间》中,我们看不到自身和我们的内心情感,它们已变得微不足道。 唯一可见的是全世界在努力统一步调追赶一个机器节奏——时间就是金钱。



    郑国谷生活在广东省——中国消费的前沿,多年来作品一直关注消费现象。他的新作《千禧聊神》告诉我们在新经济时代,网络成为新的大众传媒——新的文化- 意识形态工具,它不分时间、地点、种族、国家传播并制造着新的话语系统。


    今年秋天人们的话题总是围绕着APEC、WTO、自由贸易;谈论着全球经济面临衰退时,中国唯有的一帜独秀;谈论着中国正迈步走向的幸福。其实中国已经迈进人类集体的资讯爆炸、行色匆匆的现代以至后现代状态。 经济的发展是二十世纪文明的喜之出、恶之源。 中国在刚刚步入市场经济之时,又要奋起直追在全球风起云涌的“新经济”。我们不想与时代背道而驰,我们关心金钱,感受金钱,是关心着我们的生活环境和我们付出的不可逆转的代价。我们不断地享受着物质带来的满足,也感到了内心的孤独:我们陷入了物的汪洋,心灵依赖外物;随着技术进步我们个人可以拥有极大的力量,甚至是破坏力,世界却因此变得脆弱而不稳定;乐观前景掩饰着中华文化被“主流文化”推向边缘的危机;生态环境因人类消费过度消耗了能量、资源而遭破坏......我们的价值标准该是什麽?我们该怎样生活?当我们没钱时,钱是生活的基本;当我们有钱时,钱则意味着责任。




Sense of Money in the Consumer Age
Longing for belonging
Tang Xin

Since the start of the reform policy economic development has enriched society and changed our lives. Today, our politics, life and culture are all unavoidably orbiting under rules adapted against the market system. The language of the market became a new influence. People perceive that it is the effect of money. Money is directly related to daily life of everyone. Some say it is almighty, some say it is sinful, the symbol of success, the sign of wealth…When it shapes capital, it brings development of economy, flourish of consuming, improvement of living standard. In experiencing the great changes that the reforms have made, feeling the pulse of the times, enjoying the happiness of life, we present this exhibition "Money Funny Honey" to you, as to observe and ponder of reality by art.

In the twenty years of reform policy, China is developing towards market economy. The whole population is arming itself with brand new concepts and experiences of practice in pursuit of success. Social status, personal success and fame became the purposes of life, and symbols of individuals’ values. However, there is no Authoritative Scholars, no productive scientists, no honourable Mr. Professors in hails and applause towards anybody. All we get is a successor, an ambiguous address referring to all those who possess money, cars, and mansions, regardless of the possessor’s educational level, family background, profession, or how they enriched themselves in the past. For historical reasons, there is a tremendous cultural between different people. There is a lack of mutual recognition of culture, values, life style, and norm of behaviour. The only source of feeling of success, recognition, and value is consuming. Therefore ability and items of consumption are more and more a basis of evaluation. Hence consumption acquires its symbolism. The actual utility of money becomes a tool for consumption instead of a tool for exchange. The amount of money directly reflects consuming ability and affects what people choose to consume. Making money becomes the purpose of all behaviour. Work for money, money for consumption, consuming is the ideal, shopping become utmost fun. McDonald’s, fashion brands, mobile phones, PCs, automobiles…become symbols of a life style which people are dreaming of, in which people find their positions, status, peers, satisfaction and a feeling of belonging to a community. Consuming defines our existence. Money makes us. Let’s reflect on money, and reflect on consumption. Consumist culture is coming into and spreading unnoticed among us. China enters a time of mass consumption. Money is all the more essential. While people are enjoying more than material utility brought along with consumption, consumist culture’s values dominate our daily life. Consumism has also established enormous spiritual influence. It creates new social relations and life styles in times of mass consumption.

People enjoy shopping, producers enjoy it even more. They make more money and enjoy the happiness that capital brought to them. Under the illusion that mass consumption is improving economy and living standards, it is only their profit rate that is really improved. They utilize mass media and propaganda campaigns to create one illusion of happy life after another, stimulate consuming desires, prepare the mass to buy, and propel the society only to ensure their benefit and satisfy their interests. Stare into me, you can’t avoid the trend. The media pushes people into fashions, tastes, excitements, and longings. We sell concepts. Merchandise brings the consumption concepts, life styles, and symbolism, which they are selling together with the language system created by the symbolism of the merchandise. With the market opening up to the world and the introduction of international capital, more and more world famous brands come to our eyes. Again people are downloading values and life attitudes integrated in the merchandise-consumist symbolism. Luckily people (unknowingly) accepted the others’ logic rules and overlooked the deep-rooted interests, racial and cultural prejudices. They made cultural invasion a reality, validated politics and language unequally, and domination from a culture-ideology point of view.

We shall not ignore the damage that consumption does, though it also drives business development. We become rich, we update our traditional culture, ethics and morals with new ethics and morals. People push themselves into cities from the country, rejecting their own way of life, their traditions. However they cannot become city people as they hoped. Instead they remain outsiders at the borderlines. Our cities loose their original identity and cultural characteristics and become multiple clones, all of the same version. Our living space becomes a plant producing needs and meeting desires. Traditions are thrown away with the ruin. The colourful opportunities and temptations confuse the young, who have no other choice but to board the train of new times----we are growing diligently. The foremost sensitive artists have been studying this consumism since the early 1990s and its effect on the society, and expressing an artist’s concern for social phenomena.

Zhu Fadong’s work, <People Lost>, <Individual for Sale at Bargain>, <Life Style 100 days> portrays the times’ brand on our youth. The youth is brushed into a corner, trapped in the void between the enjoyments of two shopping trips. The whole nation shows deep passion for further reforms. But meaning is no longer important to anyone, whereas money now grasps the supreme power to buy everything. We see the young re-locating their recognition of identity in this mass of dissolving world and hoping that they will discover themselves in the end. Wang Jin’s <Door-Knocking> is a drawing of a One hundred dollar bill on ancient city wall bricks. The Western values and life styles slipped in covered by Coca-Cola and McDonald’s and other popular products. They are not only grabbing the Chinese market, but also invading a country culturally which has a civilization of thousands of years. And all this is done at daylight, is even praised as support for the developing country’s economy. These global players came into our market, pocketed the profit, and brought dictatorship, racial and cultural prejudices. In the beginning of the 90s, artist Wang Guangyi, being an intellectual in the 1980s, took the responsibility of criticizing this.

Dictators established a new global culture-ideology about what and how to consume. Vain desires only come up after some people’s practical needs for material possession are met. Then they want to show off their status and wealth. Hong Hao’s <Hello Sir>r, shows us such a person, whereas Zhu Fadong comes with his <Bodyguard>.

The exhibition "Perceptions of Money—Money, Funny, Honey", is reflecting the respective views of artists with different life experiences from different times. Here are the works from artists of different generations since the Eighth Five-Year Plan. For years artists are monitoring the effect of the economic development on our social life. It directly influenced their language, expressions and choice of media for the development of economy and science has provided the artists with more materials and methods. This is further explained in Gao Ling’s article.  

Qu Yan is an artist who represents the 85 period. In his work titled <Feeling Time>, we can not see ourselves or our inner emotional world. In his work, they are no longer important. The only thing we can feel from it is a mechanical rhythm----Time is Money, which the whole world is trying their best to pursue in a synchronized pace.

In Yang Wei’s crystal installation <Weight>, the words "Zhong Guo Ren Min Yin Hang" (Means: Bank of China) printed on every RMB banknote are exchanged with "Zhong Guo Ren Min Heng Xing" (Means: Chinese are capable). This reflects that under the effect of money, the cultural and moral bases of society are gradually collapsing. Money is becoming the only standard and power of language. Those people who are dreaming of a wonderful life refuse to reflect or criticize themselves. Being propelled by the money, it seems that everything can become merchandise. Peng Donghui’s work <Design of Lu Xun’s New Image> reveals the result to us: desperation and its commercial product of the CI Strategy.

Advertising is an effective way of promotion. When promoting merchandise, a new life style and its supportive cultural value are promoted at the same time. It triggers people’s desires, while desires change behaviour patterns. Shong Dong’s work <Salvage Moon in the Water (2)> shows a lot of concern to this process and its consequences. While Liu Ding and Jiang Liheng’s video work <Welcome to Pursuit ‘Gays’ > intents to promote themselves and sell another of their works through advertisement.

Zheng Guogu lives in Guangdong Province---- the frontline of consumption. For years his works have been focussing on the phenomenon of consumption. His new work <Great Talker in the Millennium> shows us that internet--a new tool to promote culture and values, is becoming a new public medium in this new economic era. The internet is spreading and producing a new language system independent of time, place, race and country.

The consumption process of merchandise’s symbolism forms a new social power and benefit structure, and creates new rules of the game. Wang Mai’s installation <Listening Fantastically to the Twin Towers> is a kaleidoscope which we know from our childhood days. Many of these colourful pictures are changing constantly and produce beautiful but fantastic views created by the new structure. This work also reminds us of the World Trade Centre Twin Towers in New York, history after the 9.11 incident.

Throughout this autumn, people’s conversations always focussed on APEC, WTO, Free Trade. People are talking about the unique phenomenon of China getting stronger while the whole world’s economy is fading out. People are thrilled about expecting China moving towards happy times. But in fact China enters the breathless Modern Era or even Post Modern Era, in which human beings are flooded with the aftermath of an information explosion. Economic development was the spring of love and hate in this 20th century culture. At the time when China just introduces market economy, it has to try its best to catch up with the New Economy surging forward around the world. We do not want to run against the worldwide trend, instead we care for money, enjoy having money. It shows that we care about our life environment and all irreversible costs we have paid. We keep enjoying material satisfaction, meanwhile we also feel the loneliness deep inside. We are in the sea of materials, and our soul is dependent on material from outside. With the development of technology, a person will have great power, even great destroying power. Hence the world is becoming weak and unstable. Bright future overcasts the danger that Chinese culture is compelled to a margin by the Main Stream Culture. Our living environment is being destroyed because energy and resources are over consumed… What kind of value standards should we have? How to live? When we do not have money, it is the base of our life, while when we have money, it means obligation to us.

As to money, all sorts of feelings well up in my mind because of it. Also we have paid a lot in order to pursuit it. Then what does money eventually mean? Is money helpful or is money evil? To hear different opinions, I invite economist Wu Xinxin to share his ideas of a professional Monetary Value System. Sociologist Dr.Yu Changjiang will write about our living environment as well as money from his personal point of view. As the exhibition can not show all those interesting works, we included other artists’ works in this catalogue. They represent the time since the early 90s, so that there will be a complete collection. This exhibition was sponsored by Dr. Chen Dongsheng and his company, Taikang Life Insurance Co., Ltd. Here I would like to thank them for their devotion to the local art scene thank them for their effort to provide a better local social environment for modern Chinese art.




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