艺术档案 > 展览档案 > 展讯发布 > [北京]英国当代艺术展


2009-04-11 12:37:54 来源: 艺术档案网 作者:artda

英国当代艺术展 British Contemporary Art

Conrad Shawcross, David Batchelor, Dryden Goodwin, Guy Sherwin, Martin Creed, Nathaniel Rackowe, Peter McDonald, Phillip Allen, Rob Smith, Simon Payne
策展人|Curator:I-MYU Projects, 韩之演|Han Jiyun
开幕|Opening:2009. 4. 11 15:00
展期|Exhibition Period:2009. 4. 11—5. 31
地址|Add:艺术ISSUE Projects(原韩之演当代空间)北京市朝阳区崔各庄乡北皋甲1号  100015

英国被公认为世界上最重要、最发达也最前卫的艺术中心,而这个称誉的确立不能不感谢YBA,正是他们让英国当代艺术得到了爆发,从而在世界范围内掀起一股强劲的英国当代艺术风潮,并影响了全世界艺术的发展。北京作为世界艺术中心之一,这几年的发展有目共睹,但对英国当代艺术的推介却并不多,只有在极少数大型国际活动或者美术馆中才能一睹其风采。为了弥补这一缺憾,艺术ISSUE Projects将以一场精彩的英国当代艺术展与大家见面。
YBA举世闻名,他们开创了英国当代艺术的一段历史,但YBAs终将成为历史,Damien Hirst不可能永远引领英国当代艺术的发展,新一代英国当代艺术家已经崛起,他们的艺术风格完全不同于YBA,他们更具活力,更有创造性和爆发精神,也更能代表未来英国当代艺术的发展方向。本次展览精心遴选了10位当代英国最具代表性和发展力的艺术家,并在此基础上甄选出他们最具代表性和影响力的作品,涵括了绘画、雕塑、装置、Video等各个艺术门类。我们希望可以通过这个展览管窥英国当代艺术面貌,加深对英国当代艺术的认知和了解,在满足审美体验的同时能够深入体会英国当代艺术的成功经验。

Owing to the success of YBAs (Young British Artists), Great Britain has been widely recognized as one of the most important centers for contemporary art. When the YBAs exploded onto the contemporary art scene, they not only created a new era in British contemporary art, but also influenced art on the international scale. Even though the emergence of Beijing as an important global art center is undeniable to all, there is relatively little British contemporary art in Beijing with the exception of a few large-scale international events or in museums. To remedy the current deficiency, Art Issue Projects will present British contemporary art as its inaugural exhibition.
Although the world-famous YBAs initiated a new era in British contemporary art, the movement is nearly historicized. Damien Hirst cannot forever maintain his position at the helm of British contemporary art as a new generation of artists has already poised itself to lead. More energetic, creative and unpredictable in their styles than the YBAs, the artists of the new generation more appropriately represent the direction of British contemporary art. This exhibition will share with public the most representative works of ten leading British artists in a variety of media, including painting, sculpture, installation and video.  By presenting a sample viewing of British contemporary art, Art Issue Projects hopes to provide to the Chinese art world further insight and better understanding of British contemporary art. In addition to gaining greater aesthetic understanding of British contemporary art, the exhibition hopes to penetrate into the success of British art as a model for Chinese contemporary art.

韩之演当代空间正式更名为“艺术ISSUE Projects”
HAN JI YUN Contemporary Space officially changes its name to ART ISSUE Projects

继韩之演艺术管理公司之后,2007年韩之演当代空间正式成立于北京草场地艺术区,凭借着卓越的艺术理念和品质高尚的展览迅速成为北京最有影响力的画廊之一。2009年4月,秉持着更高的艺术追求和理想,韩之演当代空间正式更名为“艺术ISSUE Projects”,之后我们将与《艺术ISSUE》杂志紧密配合,以全新的计划推广形式推动中国乃至整个亚洲的当代艺术发展,为确立和巩固其在全世界的艺术地位而努力。同时我们将引介世界其他地区和国家的当代艺术来到中国,艺术ISSUE Projects将成为世界艺术交流的平台,为全世界各个国家和地区的艺术提供一个展示交流的舞台。

Established in 2007 in Caochangdi, HAN JI YUN Contemporary Space has quickly emerged as one of the most influential art galleries in Beijing through its well-conceived exhibitions. In April 2009, in an effort to reach new artistic heights, HAN JI YUN Contemporary Space will change its name to ART ISSUE Projects to closely affiliate with Art Issue magazine. Through the establishment of this cooperation, the exhibition space and magazine will jointly promote contemporary art in China and internationally. Art Issue Projects will serve as a platform for the exchange of global dialogue on art by introducing artists from all areas of the world to China.



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