艺术档案 > 展览档案 > 策展档案 > [2017-4-8]罗蔷个展《未来公民》


2017-05-08 23:08:45 来源: 陌上art 作者:陌上实验


MoShang Experiment has published solo exhibition by artist Luo Qiang <Future Citizen> on April 8th, 2017. Posing a question about the future with individualized image language, the exhibition presents her fantasy about future spacetime, so as to compare between individual perception and the grand dream of human. Curated by Germen curator Antonie Angerer,  the exhibition will last till April 23rd.  







“Perhaps if the future existed, concretely and individually, as something that could be discerned by a better brain, the past would not be so seductive: its demands would be balanced by the future.”

-Vladamir Nabokov, Transparent Things

▲ 这些力量并非命运,而是轨迹。它们提供的并不是我们将去往何方的预测,只是告诉我们,在不远的将来,我们会向哪些方向前行。——凯文·凯利

To examine the notion of future and its relationship with our present, is to capture, retain and reproduce our reality. It is an act to alter our sense of temporality.

The show “future citizen” is a large-scale video installation.In her solo exhibition, artist Luo Qiang invites the visitor to enter a void. The place: outer space. Space is a place unknown and symbolizes the unknown time to come.

Enter a space to a “non – place”, a place that does not exist yet – the future. What is the future citizen? What will the future look like and where will it take place? Whose citizens will they be? Did the future look better in the past? The inevitable questions about future are consequently be followed by questions about our ‘now’. This exhibition is proposing a space of the future and is inviting the visitor to imagine and explore the complex condition of futurity.
by Antonie Angerer

▲ 左起:策展人 Antonie Angerer,艺术家罗蔷,项目总监王将

展览地点:798艺术区 七星西街 陌上实验
Exhibition Dates: April 8th, 2017 -- April 23rd, 2017
Venue: 798 Art District, Qixingxi Street, MoShang Experiment


罗蔷,跨媒介艺术家,On Space策划人之一。毕业于中央美术学院。在其影像与绘画的创作中,她常以一种“穿越体”的叙事手法来探讨关于过去、现在与未来的主题。这些主题从表现日常到超越日常,都关联着个体对生存境遇的感知和对宏大命题的反思。

About artist
Luo Qiang is a cross-media artist andco-designer of On Space.She graduated from China Central Academy of Fine Arts, In her creation of image and painting, she employs a ‘time-travel-based’narrative to explore the theme of the past, present and future. From presenting the daily life to exceeding it, her works contains the individual’s sense of living conditions and reflection on grand propositions.


关于 陌上实验

About MoShang Experiment
Located in 798 art district, MoShang Experiment is a non-profit experimental art space with independent exhibition area sponsored by Moshang gallery.  It isresolved to protect the vanguardism and purity of contemporary art practice andencourage to explore new horizon of art definition. Moreover, by promoting global communication and cooperation between independent art spaces, itinitiates independent art projects matrix, encouraging, sponsoring andre commending promising artists and curators with independent and experimental spirits.



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