艺术档案 > 未来媒体艺术 > 北京媒体艺术双年展与您共同探讨“技术伦理”


2016-08-23 22:17:42 来源: BMAB 作者:中央美术学院


Hello! From today onwards we will keep everyone updated with the latest information about the BMAB, In addition we also have loads of  super sensational news that we will share with you over the next few months. So stay tuned! Here is a short overview of the theme of the exhibition.


There is a saying that goes: Mathematics marks the furthest point of the physical world. Philosophy at the end of mathematics and theology is the greatest extreme of philosophy. Actually, what God really says remains unknown but it is the best interpretation of the movie “Lucy”.


Overly saturated discourses in the public sphere about emerging technologies and the optimistic prophecy that surrounds it have held our imagination under seige, under the spell of a new theology. This leaves us no mental space for “epistemological” contemplation and reflection, only able to react to its immediate effects.


In March 2016, AlphaGo beat Lee Sedol in a five-game match. Although it lost to Lee Sedol in the fourth game, Lee resigned the final game, giving a final score of 4 games to 1 in favour of AlphaGo.The father of AlphaGo, DeepMind co-founder Demis Hassabis said, the next target of artificial intelligence is letting the computer to learn the chess.The next version of AlphaGo will have autonomous learning.

物理学家理查德·费曼指出我们人类认识世界的辩证二分法:由概念(认识论)或由工具(科学技术)驱动,“如果我们人类的探索和发现是由‘概念’所驱动,那我们则趋于用新的角度解释旧的东西;如果是被‘工具’所驱动,我们将会 (用老的看法)解释我们的新发现与新创造出来的东西。”

Physicist Richard Feynman pointed out the dialectic split of human beings learn ing about the world: either driven by concepts (epistemological) or tools (science and technology), “if our discoveries are driven by concepts, we tend to explain the old stuff from a new angle, if it’s driven by tools, we end up explaining what we have created or discovered”.

人类与生俱来的局限性直接导致了我们无法和自然环境和谐共生,我们的生存本能则需要我们不断地发明制造工具,来弥补先天的不足,从而改变我们的生存环境使其适应人类。在斯坦利·库布里克的电影《2001太空漫游》的经典场景中:在人类文明之初,人猿在无意识探索中无意发现他 们的腿骨可以被当作武器来使用,镜头里这根腿骨慢慢渐变为一艘巨型宇宙飞船,孤独地在漆黑外太空漫游。恰恰是这种对工具/武器的概念化继而驱动着我们走到了科技发达的今天.

The distinct human condition of essentially not being able to coexist with our natural environment has led us to invent tools to increase our natural capacity and to change our environment. In the classic scene from Stanley Kubrick's “2001: A Space Odyssey”, at the dawn of civilisation, apes accidentally discovered that a piece of leg bone could be used as a weapon. The film shows the bone transformed into a gigantic space craft drifting in the darkness of space. It is precisely this conceptualisation of tool/weapon that has been a driving force for humanity up until today.


BINA48, a robot owned by Martine Rothblatt's Terasem Movement, Incorporated (TMI), is designed to test two hypotheses concerning the ability to download a person's consciousness into a non-biological or nanotech body after combining detailed data about a person with future consciousness software.It can help the busy professor to do interview or teaching, even can act as the person who dead before.

Louis-Philippe Demers和Bill Vorn的合作作品,与一般的机器人表演不同,在这里是机器反过来控制人。

Louis-Philippe Demers’ and Bill Vorn's collaboration is different from other robot performances. Here, the roles of men and robot are switched and the robots control humans.

The Japan robots engineer, "the father of modern robot,Ishiguro and "himself".


Space travel, synthetic intelligence, transhumanism and so on. This drive is not without consequential by-products: environmental catastrophes, legions of machines, data, software, intelligence covering the surfaces of earth, the rise of urbanisation, polarisation of wealth and resources distribution, robotics and the impact on the labour market, data privacy, the reality of the virtual, democratisation of cyber space, mind uploading, human energetic editing, bio-genetical inequality...

谷歌著名人工智能专家、《奇点临近》作者 雷·库兹韦尔(Ray Kurzweil)

Google’s renowned artificial intelligence expert, Ray Kurzweil,
author of The Singularity is Near.


The question lies not in how closely we are approaching the singularity from a future horizon, but of true relevance are all the questions about the implementation of the current available technologies and the newly emerged potentialy impacted ethical zones.

艺术家 Heather Dewey-Hagborg 把在街上捡到的烟头拿回实验室通过生物技术提取基因并重新复原出烟头的主人形象,得到了这一张张面孔...

Artist Heather Dewey-Hagborg picks up cigarette butts in the street and takes them back to the lab. Through the extraction of gene information she allocates each butt with its owner and their face.

Cohen Van Balen 用狗和羊的身体来为患肾和呼吸疾病的病人提供体外支撑器官

Cohen Van Balen uses old dogs and transgenic sheep as support devices' for human patirnts suffering from renal and respiratory ailments.


Embedded in this are the essential questions such as: how/who will use it, who will benifit and who will decide? It’s unavoidable to quote Zizek here: “The ethical ‘ought’ is not the obstacle in the path of modern science but a guide, an epochal constellation of value and understanding occurring in the social-political realm that emancipates itself from the naive resignation included by the deterministic causality of rationalisation.”


Beijing Media Art Biennale will take place in China Millennium Monument and Central Academy of Fine Arts in autumn 2016 under the guiding theme: Ethics of Technology. The Biennale acts in an interdisciplinary way and transcends genres, offering an international platform for the discourse and networking of artists, scholars, technologists, practitioners across all fields. They will come together - to discuss the re-articulation and re-configuration of the ethical orders and the distribution of technology’s sensibility. In collaboration with B3 Moving Image Biennial,  Beijing Media Art Biennale is made up of “Ethics of Technology” curators exhibition, “Lab Space” special exhibition, Urban screen project, Hyperlink exhibition, Audio/visual performance, Forum,Workshop and Lecture, etc.


Beijing Media Art Biennale is hosted by Central Academy of Fine Arts, Beijing Design Week and B3 Moving Image Biennial. School of Design, Central Academy of Fine Arts, China Millennium Monument, CAFA Art Museum, BFA-VR and Moujiti are the organizers of this biennale.





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