艺术档案 > 媒体+空间 > [媒体]出版物《箭厂空间四年书》


2016-06-02 14:58:58 来源: Arrow Factory 作者:




箭厂空间外部 Arrow Factory facade

Founded in 2008, Arrow Factory is one of the longest standing, fully independent, non-commercial art spaces in Beijing. Located in a narrow alley inside the city center, this 15 square meter space spearheads various forms of site-oriented artistic display, collaboration and experimentation by local and international contemporary artists. Arrow Factory: The Next Four Years comprehensively documents the twenty-two projects mounted in this reclaimed storefront between March 2011 and May 2015. This follow-up publication features new perspectives from organizers of influential artist-run initiatives around the world, and is structured around the elemental question: What is a good institution? Through these views and others, Arrow Factory: The Next Four Years offers a window into the diverse conditions that shape China’s current cultural climate.

100% of proceeds from book sales benefit future Arrow Factory projects.

项目合作者 with projects by:
阿掉队 A DIAO DUI |艺术实验室OVA Art Lab OVA |奥斯曼·波茨库特 Osman BOZKURT | COLLECTIVE Gallery |方璐 FANG Lu |何岸 HE An | 何颖雅 Elaine W. HO & 何颖宜 Rania HO | 胡向前 HU Xiangqian |速溶胡同 INSTANT HUTONG | 焦应奇 JIAO Yingqi | 李杰 LEE Kit | 李岳阳 LI Yueyang|梁硕 LIANG Shuo | 梁玥 LIANG Yue |刘韡 LIU Wei |刘茵 LIU Yin |未知博物馆 Museum of Unknown | PiST/// |石青 SHI Qing |宋拓 SONG Ta | 思远与小欧和李山Ray WU with Orianna CACHIONNE+Alessandro ROLANDI | 叶伟立、李墨+小孔 YEH Wei-li with LI Mo+KONG | 庄辉 ZHUANG Hui
特邀文章 featuring Essays by:
何颖雅 Elaine W. HO | Zulu KAGEYAMA |蒂达姆·乌斯拜克 Didem ÖZBEK | 石青 SHI Qing
访谈对话 conversations with:
陈侗 CHEN Tong | 胡向前 HU Xiangqian |李景湖和李岳阳LI Jinghu & LI Yueyang



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